General Meeting - Firestation
*April Meeting 4/26/23 at 6:30pm*
Meeting held at the Portland Fire Dept Training Center: 4800 NE 122nd Ave, Portland, OR 97230
Email ATNA President Lillian Erwin for a link to the zoom meeting:
The Argay Terrace Neighborhood Association board meets every 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm, excluding July in which no meeting is held.
Feel free to join an upcoming meeting and get involved with the happenings in the neigborhood.
Notice of Neighborhood Association meetings are posted on Instagram, Facebook, and distributed via the neighborhood newsletter.
For more information about meetings including minutes, look under the ATNA tab at the top of this page.
Location: 4800 NE 122nd Ave, Portland, OR 97230 (Firestation, Main Meeting Room)